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Lady gift high quality Glossary About Luxury Handbags
I have to acknowledge that I am always confused by such of these pattern name of luxury handbags. For example, Tote, Hobo, Satchel, Clutch, Bowler, Weekender, Duffle etc. In fact, there are no specific definition among them, even thay are not used clearly by designers. So in the post, I list some pattern name and give a brief definition to them. Hope you can learn something, and choose the pattern what you like.
A tote usually means a hand-hold bag having great capacity and short handles. The open-top one are named to Shopper.
Representative: Tod's D Bag, Anya Hindmarch's Be A Bag, Celine's Boogie
Others like Louis Vuitton (LV) Alma, Fendi Docter Bag, Bowler, although are zip-top closure, all of them are parts of Tote.
Definition of it are clear relatively. Generally speaking, its handle and bag body form a round shape, with which gives a comfortable feeling to people. The name can be origined from Hermes Trim in 1958.
Representative: Gucci's Horsebit Hobo, Dior's Saddle Bag
A satchel is a transverse and quadrate bag. There are East/West pattern in luxury handbag, you see.
Representative: Marc Jacobs's Stam, Celine's Bitterswee, Prada's Gauffre Antic Satchel.
Shoulder Bag
Properly, a shoulder bag is carried on shoulder. Compared with Satchel, a shoulder bag has longer shoulder straps. What's more, it can be north/south.
Drawstring Bag
It means a bag of gatherable closure with drawstring. The earlist one is Louis Vuitton's Noe in 1932. You can not image that it is firstly designed to carry champagne for the convenience of nobility's traveling. Now, the drawstring become an ornamental item, other than an functional one.
Duffel Bag
Duffel is the name of a thick material. It's traceable from an Belgian town where produced this kind of material primitively. Duffel today often means a good-sized travelling bag.
Representative: Louis Vuitton's Keepall(the former kind of Speedy)
A Weekender bag is just a life style. It has no special pattern, as long as can contain clothes for traveling and some storybook to kill the time, it is Weekender one
Other pattern like Clutch, Backpack, I believe you can understand them easily. Choose the pattern what you really like and they will give you the boost you need to enjoy every moment of your life. Are you ready? Let's play FASHION now! come buy these replica luxury handbags.
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